2023 Design/Build Services for Bradford Avenue Pipeline ImprovementsThe Bradford Ave Pipeline Improvements is a capital improvement project for Golden State Water Company and located in the City of Placentia. JIG will be providing engineering design services in support of the Design-Build Contractor. The project will construct approximately 1,450 lineal feet of 12-inch PVC transmission main on South Bradford Avenue from GSWC’s Well #4 to East Chapman Avenue, and approximately 2,000 lineal feet of 8” PVC distribution main. The project also includes jacking and boring of a 20-inch steel casing under the existing BNSF railroad right-of-way.
2023 Knott Avenue Sewer Upsizing ProjectThe City of Buena Park conducted a CCTV study that reviewed the condition of existing infrastructures and developed a prioritized list of sewer replacement and lining projects. This project is for the upsizing of an existing 8-inch sewer on Knott Avenue, from La Palma Avenue to El Dorado Drive. The existing sewer will be upsized to 10-inches in diameter and will be approximately 700 linear feet in length.
JIG will provide project management and engineering design services for the sewer main improvements. Our team will prepare construction plans, specifications and cost estimate. |
2022 - Peer Review of WRF1 Aeration System ImprovementsJIG will perform a peer review of 60% milestone drawings of the WRF1 Aeration System Improvements at the City of Corona. Reviewed documents will focus on clarity, ease of operation, and conformance with good engineering practices. The intent is to identify gaps and constructability issues as presented in the construction plans, submitted by the engineering design consultant.
2022 Engineering Design Services Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project - Stearns Street and Orange AvenueLong Beach Utilities Department (LBUD) undertakes annual replacement of existing large potable water valves in their system. Large valves needing repair or replacement are identified based on LBUD Operations Reports performed during routine exercise or inspection. This project identified three locations targeted for repairs. At two of the locations, two 20-inch large gate valves will be repaired/replaced. In the third location, two 30-inch large butterfly valves will be replaced.
2022 Construction Management and Inspection Services for the S-25 Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation ProjectLong Beach Utilities Department operates the S-25 Sewer Lift Station which was originally constructed in 1967 and rehabilitated in 1999 and 2004. The S-25 Sewer Lift Station is comprised of a one-story building with a below-grade dry well. The upper level of the structure houses the electrical room, generator room, odor control, and SCE accessible power distribution room. JIG will provide construction management and inspection services for the lift station rehabilitation which will include construction of a 20-foot deep bypass manhole, dewatering operations, sewer bypass operations, replacement of dry pit pumps, discharge piping and manifold, generator set, electrical and control equipment.
2022 Irvine Ranch Conservancy Farm Irrigation Pipeline ReplacementIrvine Ranch Conservancy (IRC) is a non-profit organization committed to the protection, restoration, and enhancement of Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks. In support of promoting the growth of native plants, IRC maintains a seed farm located off Portola Parkway in the City of Irvine. The IRC currently does not have a functioning irrigation pipeline. IRC will construct approximately 2400 lineal feet of galvanized steel above ground irrigation pipeline from a metered connection (IRWD) to their seed farm. JIG will provide hydraulic calculations to size the proposed irrigation pipeline and prepare construction plans for sections of the pipeline on Bee Canyon access road.
2022 Design/Build Services for Old Foothill Main Replacement Phase 2JIG will support the Design/Build Contractor for construction of the Old Foothill Main Replacement Phase 2 project. The work will be located within the unincorporated area of Orange County. The project includes design and construction of approximately 4,200 lineal feet of 16” PVC on Hewes Avenue and Foothill Boulevard and abandoning the existing 16-inch ductile iron pipe on Fairhaven Avenue and Old Foothill Boulevard.
2022 Design/Build Services for Culver Park Drive and Diller Avenue Area Main ReplacementThis project with Golden State Water Company is for construction of approximately 3,900 lineal feet of 8” PVC on Culver Park Drive, Diller Avenue, Coolidge Avenue, Slauson Avenue and Berryman Avenue. JIG will prepare engineering plans and assist with permitting. JIG will support the Design-Build Contractor to obtain an encroachment permit with Culver City, Caltrans, and local fire department. After completion of the project, JIG will prepare record drawings using CAD with GPS locations of all installed valve boxes, fire hydrants, flush-outs, air release valves, and meter boxes.
2022 On-Call Construction Management and Inspection Services for Various Water and Sewer Improvements ProjectsJIG appreciates the opportunity to further strengthen our working relationship with the City of Garden Grove. JIG will provide construction management and inspection services on an on-call basis for various water and wastewater capital improvements projects, rehabilitation and replacement projects, and customer development projects. The City anticipates a steady stream of construction projects in the upcoming years. JIG will supplement and function as an extension to City staff on an as-needed basis.
2022 Grand Avenue / Lakeland Village Sewer Extension ProjectElsinore Valley Municipal Water District intends to extend an existing 8-inch sewer main for approximately 400 lineal feet in Grand Avenue to enable the Lakeland Village Community Center (LVCC) to connect to the new sewer main. With the completion of this project, the LVCC can explore campus expansion opportunities to further improve and increase its services to this underserved community. JIG will perform engineering design services and prepare construction bid documents.
2022 Hollydale Area Watermain ReplacementThe City of Fullerton is replacing existing 4-inch and 6-inch watermains with 8-inch PVC in residential streets, approximately 3,200 lineal feet in length. The subject waterlines are located on Hollydale Drive, Norman Place, and Melody Lane. This project will include trenchless construction to pipe-burst the existing 4-inch cast iron pipe in a utility easement inside private properties.
JIG will provide overall project management, engineering design, and coordination/assistance with private residences. JIG will prepare construction plans, technical specifications, and cost estimate for the proposed improvements. |
2022 Sunny Hills – Twilight Area Watermain Replacement
The City of Fullerton is replacing existing 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch watermains in residential streets, approximately 2.23 miles in length. Work will include construction of new fire hydrants, valves, services, and all water appurtenances associated with the new water main replacement as well as trench pavement restoration.
JIG will perform overall project management and engineering design. Our team will prepare detailed construction plans, specifications, and cost estimate for the proposed improvements. |
2022 Glenwood/Ford Area Waterline & Street Improvements
The City of Fullerton maintains a yearly capital improvement program to replace aging infrastructures and upsize mains for fire flow of future residential developments. For this project, JIG will assist with the engineering design of approximately 11,000 lineal feet of replacement 8-inch PVC waterline. The project will also include miscellaneous street improvements which will consist of grinding and overlay of existing deteriorated asphalt concrete pavement, reconstruct ADA compliant access ramps at street intersections, and replace existing concrete curb and gutter at deteriorated or cracked locations.
2022 Christlieb Well 15A Rehabilitation (CIP #53034)The City of Fullerton intends to rehabilitate Christlieb Well 15A. The well was constructed in 1992 using the reverse rotary method, with a 20-inch casing to a depth of 329 feet below ground surface (bgs), and a 16-inch casing to a depth of 1350 feet bgs.
JIG will review existing well information, perform engineering design, and prepare bid documents for the Christlieb Well 15A Rehabilitation project. JIG will team with ENGEO for the well redevelopment work. |
2022 Cannon-Sheppard Area Water Main ReplacementThe City of Fullerton maintains a yearly capital improvement program to replace aging infrastructures and upsize mains for fire flow of future residential developments. JIG will assist with the engineering design of approximately 4,700 lineal feet of 8-inch PVC waterline on Frances Avenue, Cannon Lane, Sheppard Drive, Harmony Place, and Dorothy Drive.
2022 Golf Club Sewer Lift Station ImprovementsTrabuco Canyon Water District’s (TCWD) Golf Club Sewer Lift Station is in need of new submersible pumps inside the existing wet well. TCWD pre-purchased two Cornell submersible pumps and a 300-gallon surge tank for the Golf Club Sewer Lift Station. During the pump procurement, JIG will provide engineering design for the Golf Club Sewer Lift Station Improvements. The intent is to have the project design completed, advertised to bid, and construction started before the scheduled arrival of the new pumps and surge tank.
JIG will provide engineering design to construct a secondary wet well for bypass operations, develop a sewer bypass plan taking suction from the new wet well. The project will also include demolishing and replacing the existing 300 gallon surge tank, rehabilitation of the existing wet well, replacing the discharge pipe assembly inside the dry pit, and miscellaneous site improvements (trenching, paving, and fencing). |
2021 Watermain Improvements at LB Airport SouthIdentified in the 2020 Water Distribution System Master Plan, Long Beach Utilities Department will improve on its domestic water infrastructures by constructing watermain improvements categorized as Projects 2-D and POF-04, both of which are within the vicinity of the Long Beach Airport.
Project 2-D will construct 600 lf of 12-inch ductile iron waterline across Spring Street and inside Long Beach Airport property, adjacent to private airplane hangars. The improvements will also include replacing 260 lf of the existing 6-inch waterline with 8-inch ductile iron, also inside Long Beach Airport property. Project POF-04 will construct a replacement waterline for approximately 2,869 lineal feet of 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch pipelines mostly inside the Long Beach Airport property, with a segment crossing Spring Street and into Redondo Avenue. JIG will provide engineering design services which includes review of existing plans, records and studies; making recommendations on layouts, alignment, materials, and equipment; coordination with Long Beach Airport and their private tenants, utility location and potholing, preparation of water main replacement design plans; cost estimates, and providing construction bid support and evaluation services |
2021 On-Call Engineering Design ServicesJIG Consultants is pleased to announce our firm has been selected by the City of Fountain Valley for On-call Engineering Design Services. We are looking to partner with the City of Fountain Valley for the engineering design of waterline replacement and sewer main rehabilitation projects.
2021 Vault modification at Lenawee plantJIG Consultants is happy to announce the first project with JA Salazar Construction for a design-build contract with Golden State Water Company (GSWC) for the Vault Modifications at Lenawee Plant. The Lenawee Plant is located in an underground vault, which contains two pumps that serve the Lenawee and Perham pressure zones. Accessibility into the vault is limited and is currently through a 2’-0” x 2’-0” access hatch and a 3’-6” x 3’-6” removable access hatch located beneath the asphalt pavement. Maintenance and repairs to piping/pumps is troublesome due to the limited access space. The project will enhance the existing underground vault and equipment and improve the access hatch.
2021 El Toro Sewer Lift Station Surge Tank ReplacementTrabuco Canyon Water District (TCWD) contracted with JIG Consultants to prepare bid documents for the replacement of existing undersized and non-functioning surge tank at the El Toro Sewer Lift Station. This work is considered an emergency repair of an existing facility, therefore time is of the essence. The proposed surge tank will be 1,100 gallons in capacity, rated for 250 psi working pressure. The surge tank and air compressor will be controlled by a Pulsco PLC.
2021 Large Potable Water Valves Replacement at Redondo Ave. & Kilroy Airport WayJIG Consultants will provide construction management and inspection services for the Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project – Redondo Avenue and Kilroy Airport Way – Phase 2. The project includes construction in two main stages at three different locations. The first stage will consist of the removal of three large gate valves which will be replaced with butterfly valves. The second stage will also oversee the removal of two large gate valves which will be replaced with a steel spool or butterfly valve.
2021 Grading and Pavement Restoration at East AmapolaFor our latest project with Irvine Ranch Water District, JIG Consultants will be assisting with design of grading and pavement restoration for East Amapola at Orange Park Acres. East Amapola is an Irvine Ranch Water District owned roadway, which connects to Amapola, a County of Orange maintained roadway. IRWD will restore the pavement surface for East Amapola and reduce future erosion which includes repaving the street, regrading where required to redirect storm water flow, and reinforcing the drainage ditch on the side of the roadway.
2021 Las Palmas Booster Pump Station UpgradeJIG Consultants will be performing inspection services to support the City of Fullerton for the Las Palmas Booster Pump Station Upgrade. The Las Palmas Pump Station consists of two 25-hp 600 gpm horizontal split case pumps, two 8-inch diaphragm pump control valves, isolation valves, piping and accessories, all enclosed in a masonry building. The pumps take suction from the 5 MG Las Palmas Reservoir and serves the Zone 4 pressure system. Supplement to the pumps, the Zone 4 pressure system is also served by a hydropneumatic tank to meet low flow demands. The upgrades include replacing the existing pumps, isolation valves, pump control valves, piping and accessories. The upgrades will require a staged shutdown to minimize service disruption to Zone 4 customers.
2021 Rattlesnake Valve Stem Extension ReplacementJIG Consultants will be assisting Irvine Ranch Water District with improvements to the Rattlesnake Reservoir. IRWD has been experiencing problems with failing actuators and misaligned valve stems on the existing 30-inch butterfly valves at the reservoir outlet intake screens. JIG Consultants will prepare bid documents for the needed improvements at the Rattlesnake Reservoir site.
2021 State Street Pipeline ReplacementOn an annual basis, Monte Vista Water District (MVWD) commits to infrastructure upgrades by replacing older and undersized waterlines. MVWD has committed to replacing approximately 18,000 lineal feet of waterlines as part of its 2021/2022 Capital Improvement Program. JIG Consultants will assist MVWD with engineering design services for the State Street Pipeline Replacement. Included with this project is design of an aboveground pressure reducing valve/metering facility for pressure system cross connections inside the existing State Street Metering Facility (southwest quadrant of the State Street and Camulos Street intersection). Our tasks for design of this waterline replacement project includes topographic mapping, utility research, preparing the project base map, utility potholing, and developing the waterline alignments.
2021 Heritage Lift Station Bypass ImprovementsTrabuco Canyon Water District intends to replace an existing 8-inch influent sewer pipe in its entirety, from the existing manhole on Heritage Avenue to the existing Heritage Lift Station wet well. The existing 8-inch influent sewer pipe has settled at multiple locations with excessive sags. In order to replace the 8-inch influent sewer, a temporary bypass will be constructed from the subject manhole to the wet well. The District also intends to upgrade an existing circular wet well on site which appears to have settled over the years. This proposed facility will allow a complete bypass of the Heritage Lift Station for future improvements.
2021 MIle square park expansion phase i irrigation well projectJIG Consultants will be teaming up with OC Public Works on a project at Mile Square Park in the city of Fountain Valley. JIG Consultants will prepare construction plans for equipping a new irrigation well which will supply water to artificial lakes designed by Aquatic Studio, Inc.
2021 Wise 1A Well RepairIn February 2021, Long Beach Water Department awarded JIG Consultants with an On-Call Construction Management and Inspection Services contract. The first Task Order is for the Well Wise 1A Rehabilitation and Repair. JIG Consultants will be providing construction management and inspection services for this project.
2021 On-call specialty engineeringJIG Consultants was awarded an on-call engineering contract with Long Beach Water Department for engineering designs of potable water, recycled water and wastewater projects. JIG Consultants offers an expert team of professionals with extensive experience in providing on-call engineering services with over 200 years of collective experience in civil engineering. Our in-house team will be supported by independent contractors and subconsultants especially chosen based on anticipated services.
2021 On-Call Construction Management and inspection servicesJIG appreciates the opportunity to further strengthen our working relationship with Long Beach Water Department (LBWD). JIG is committed to providing competent, reliable, and knowledgeable construction managers and inspectors to LBWD. Our project team holds more than 150 years of combined experience in construction management and inspection services and will be available to meet LBWD’s project needs and schedule.
2021 Verano Housing Complex Water StudyJIG Consultants will be providing engineering design services for a water utility study of the University of California Irvine (UCI) Verano Place Housing Complex. This project will supplement the recently completed Verano Place Housing Complex Subsurface Utility Engineering Investigation. UCI is requesting a water study to assess the condition of the existing water valves, and to recommend replacement of failing valves and addition of new valves for system isolation. JIG Consultants will prepare a Technical Memorandum summarizing the Water Utility Study, which will include the water system service area delineation, identifying existing valves that need replacement, and new pipelines and valves for service area isolation.
2021 Donegal Dr. & Washington Ave. Sewer ReplacementGGSD will construct a replacement 12-inch sewer inside the commercial property located at 9625 Bolsa Avenue in the city of Westminster. The replacement sewer will be east of the existing sewer alignment, which is currently in a utility easement on an adjacent private property. The replacement 12-inch sewer will be constructed using conventional open trench methods. The new sewer alignment will be constructed towards the edge of the commercial property parking lot. The existing sewer will be abandoned in place and the existing sewer main in the alley for Tract 4062 will be extended and connected to the new 12-inch replacement sewer.
JIG Consultants will be providing assistance to the City of Garden Grove with the acquisition of the utility easements and prepare preliminary construction plans for the sewer replacement. |
2021 Design/demolish RAze Site meb 11 well and plantGolden State Water Company (GSWC) has existing well facilities in Lucerne Valley, County of San Bernardino. As part of GSWC’s plan to maintain and improve their infrastructure they conduct a site assessment and identify existing facilities to be demolished and those to be protected in place. JIG will produce base maps for structural, mechanical, and electrical demolitions and provide construction plans for this project.
2021 Brown Avenue Area Main ReplacementJIG will be working with Golden State Water on another engineering design project in the City of Calipatria. This project is for construction of an 8-inch PVC waterline to replace an existing 4-inch asbestos cement waterline on Brown Avenue. The total main replacement is 750 lineal feet.
2021 Green Acres Project Santa Ana Reservoir Valve ReplacementsOrange County Water District converted one of the two Santa Ana Reservoirs to store recycled water from the Green Acres Project. Inlet and outlet flows to the reservoir are regulated by a 24-inch Cla-Val pressure reducing valve. The District is retrofitting the mechanical and piping equipment inside the Inlet Valve Vault. The retrofits include refurbishing the 24-inch Cla-Val, replacing the 24-inch butterfly valve with electric actuator, and adding a 6-inch pressure relief valve assembly. JIG will assist the District by preparing bid documents and providing support during the bid phase.
2020 On-call engineering servicesTrabuco Canyon Water District has contracted with JIG Consultants for On-call Civil Engineering Services. Our organization is qualified to assist the District with their capital improvement program needs, including preliminary investigation, permitting, and engineering design of domestic water, recycled water, and wastewater infrastructures. We have built a successful partnership with the District from previously completed projects, and we look forward to providing the same level of excellent service.
2020 Dimension Water Treatment Plant Backwash Settling Tank ReplacementJIG was awarded an On-Call Engineering Services contract with Trabuco Canyon Water District in November 2020. The first order of business is the Dimension Water Treatment Backwash Settling Tank Replacement study.
JIG will assess the existing bolted steel tanks and make recommendations for their replacement. Our team will prepare a technical memorandum, design the tank foundation, reconfigure existing piping to coincide with the new tank layout, and remove abandoned utilities. |
2020 DOMESTIC WATER RESERVOIRS AIR VENT ASSESSMENTOn May 2020, the State Water Resources Control Board conducted a Sanitary Survey of Irvine Ranch Water District's water system facilities. The scope of the inspection included wells, reservoirs, pump stations, groundwater treatment plants and surface water treatment plants. In support of the District's effort to address the findings of the Sanitary Survey, JIG will perform a preliminary assessment of air vents on 22 domestic water reservoirs in the service area. The assessment will include verification of size, recommendations for air vent improvements to conform to EPA's requirements on proper maintenance and operations of domestic water reservoirs.
2020 EL TORO/NORTHCREST/ALISO CREEK EROSION REPAIRIrvine Ranch Water District (District) plans to restore the eroded area near El Toro Road at Northcrest Drive, by the Aliso Creek riding and hiking trails. JIG will assist the District with preparation of construction plans to repair the erosion created by a leak on the existing 16-in recycled water pipeline which occurred in 2019. This leak caused an erosion to the unimproved area between the roadway shoulder of El Toro Road and Aliso Creek. The work will be permitted by the City of Lake Forest and Orange County Public Works.
2020 Crystal cove recycled water pressure study and prv designJIG will be working with Irvine Ranch Water District on the Crystal Cove Recycled Water Pressure Study and Pressure Reducing Valve Design. This project will confirm whether an additional pressure reducing station on the recycled water system located at the top of the hill will mitigate the pressure variations in the 10-inch PVC recycled water pipeline above the Coral Cay. JIG will be providing project management, surge analysis, technical memorandum, and design of the recycled water pressure reducing station.
2020 LAKE FOREST Zone A reservoir Access Road PavingIn 2016, Irvine Ranch Water District converted the existing Baker Filtration Plant into the Baker Water Treatment Plant (Plant). The Plant increased water supply reliability to south Orange County by increasing local treatment capability from multiple water supply sources. IRWD plans on making site upgrades and has contracted with JIG to provide design plans and the project manual for the proposed improvements.
2020 Design of Water distribution pipeline Projects - Madison Avenue and purdue avenue amrGolden State Water Company (GSWC) has identified several undersized waterlines in Region II Central District, Culver City System that have deteriorated and caused leaks in recent years. These projects are located in Culver City. GSWC will replace 17,600 lineal feet of waterlines in two locations. JIG will prepare the construction plans for replacement of the waterlines, fire hydrants, isolation valves, and reinstatement of existing services.
2020 South Coast Botanic garden - children's GardenJIG Consultants is excited to be working with Aquatic Studio, Inc. on the engineering design of the on-site sewer and potable water facilities for the Children’s Garden at the South Coast Botanic Garden. The proposed sewer will be approximately 400 feet and will discharge wastewater through a 6-inch PVC line to an existing gravity trunk sewer on Crenshaw Blvd. JIG Consultants will prepare the construction plans and obtain permits from LA County Sanitation District and City of Palos Verdes.
2020 GGSD Sewer main replacement project no. 2 &3Garden Grove Sanitary District (District) completed the Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan (SSRP) Phase 1 in July 2017. The study reviewed the condition of existing sewer infrastructures and developed a list of replacement projects, lining projects, and spot repairs. The District plans to construct its Sewer Main Replacement Project No. 2 and 3 which includes sewer replacement at 14 different locations with five additional location for spot repairs. The preliminary construction cost is estimated at $1.9 Million.
Our team will prepare the construction plans, perform construction management services and provide full-time inspection. |
2020 design/build of CHEDDAR STREET and manuel salinas area main replacementsGolden State Water Company will replace existing water mains in the City of Norwalk. The water main replacement is necessary to address hydraulic deficiencies, leaks, and age of the existing pipelines. The new pipelines will improve system hydraulics, provide reliable service, and address pipeline deficiencies.
The project includes replacement of 6,900 l.f. of existing 4-inch and 6-inch cast iron mains with 8-inch PVC pipe near City Hall. The project also includes replacement of an additional 1,620 l.f. of 10-inch cast iron main with 12-inch PVC pipe on Volunteer Avenue. JIG Consultants is partnering with Doreck Construction and will provide the engineering services in support of this project. |
2020 state route 74 watermain relocationCaltrans plans to widen Highway 74 (Ortega Highway) between the Orange County/Riverside County line to Monte Vista Street. The total length of the roadway widening is approximately 30,600 feet. Within this scheduled roadway widening, Elisinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) owns and maintains a 6-inch steel watermain inside Caltrans right-of-way. JIG Consultants will prepare bid documents to relocate the existing 6-inch watermain with a minimum depth of 42-inches below future street grades (after widening).
2019 BELL CANYON LIFT STATION REHABILITATIONTrabuco Canyon Water District has experienced difficulty in operating the existing Bell Canyon Lift Station. Two of the four submersible pumps have failed to start, and the remaining two pumps provide intermittent but unreliable service. Further, the existing force main between the wet and dry wells is compromised and does not carry the full flow capacity of the lift station. Since this is a critical facility, the District has committed to its immediate repair and/or rehabilitation.
JIG is assisting the District on engineering design of the lift station rehabilitation. The engineering design will include the following tasks:
2019 CM Services for Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project - Redondo Avenue and Kilroy Airport Way, Phase 1JIG was awarded a professional services contract to perform construction management services for the Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project - Redondo Avenue and Kilroy Airport Way, Phase 1. LBWD entrusted JIG's construction manager to oversee the quality of the Contractor's work and to ensure project execution coincides with the annual shut down of the Groundwater Treatment Plant.
JIG will take advantage of the lessons learned on this project and will apply it to the engineering design of the Phase 2 project (awarded in May 2019). |
2019 On-Call Engineering and Professional Services JIG is looking forward to continuing our working relationship with our exceptional clients at the City of Corona. JIG will be awarded a 3 year On-Call Engineering and Professional Services contract with the City. Our focus and involvement will be for design of 1) potable and reclaimed water pump stations and storage facilities, 2) well equipping, 3) pressure regulating facilities, and 4) sewage lift stations. As always, we intend on meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations of our clients. We see this as an excellent opportunity to showcase our skills and knowledge on water and wastewater infrastructure design.
2019 Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project - Redondo Avenue and Kilroy Airport Way, Phase 2JIG is pleased to announce a new project with Long Beach Water Department for engineering design services for the Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project – Redondo Avenue and Kilroy Airport Way, Phase 2. This project is for replacement of four large potable water valves near LBWD’s Groundwater Treatment Plant, at the intersection of Redondo Avenue and Kilroy Airport Way. Our Project Manager recently served as the Resident Engineer on another Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project at Bellflower Boulevard and Stearns Street. He will be taking the lead on design and completion of this project.
2018 Construction Management Services for the West Haven Reservoirs Rehabilitation and magnolia reservoir and pump station rehabilitationThe Westhaven Reservoirs Rehabilitation Project is for various repair work for the buried pre-stressed concrete west and east reservoirs located at Westhaven Park. The repair work will consist of crack repair, spall repair, joint repair, construction of seismic curb, roof waterproofing, rust spot repair, and the addition of a fall protection system for the reservoirs. Site improvements will include replacing two 16-inch butterfly valves, flap gate replacements, installing conduit for future intrusion alarms, removal and replacement of PCC and AC concrete pavement within the Westhaven Pump Station site, construction of a steel perimeter fence on the west and north sides of the park, curb cut and driveway approach improvements, and restoration of turf and irrigation facilities.
The Magnolia Reservoir and Booster Pump Station Rehabilitation Project is for various repair work for the buried pre-stressed concrete reservoir and the booster pump station located at Magnolia Park. The reservoir rehabilitation work will consist of crack repair, spall repair, joint repair, construction of seismic curb, roof waterproofing, rust spot repair, and the addition of a fall protection system. The booster pump station rehabilitation will consist of replacement of the existing engine and booster pump, replacement of the existing exhaust system, replacement of the existing catalytic converter, replacement of two 10-inch butterfly valves, replacement of the 10-inch check valve, refurbishment of the existing flow control valve, and replacement of the roof and existing removable dormer. Site improvements include rerouting the existing sub-drain sump pump piping, replacement of the sump hatch and sum vault lid and hatch, repair of the overflow flap gate, and replacement of the meter vault and piping. |
2018 Miscellaneous Site Improvements for the Lake Forest Zone B East Reservoir Floating Cover ReplacementJIG Consultants will be working with Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) to construct miscellaneous site improvements for the Lake Forest Zone B East Reservoir Floating Cover Replacement project. IRWD plans to construct a small diameter potable water pipeline from the 18-inch steel discharge on the Zone III East Pumping Station to the Zone B East Reservoir. In addition a storm water collection system will be constructed to gather surface water and washdown water from the Zone B East Reservoir floating cover sump pump.
2018 On-Call Professional Engineering Services Water Design ProjectJIG is excited to be selected to work with the City of Fullerton for their On-Call Professional Engineering Services Water Design Project. Our team looks forward to providing quality service and a budget-conscious approach. We take pride in knowing that the City of Fullerton has entrusted a small firm with this task that typically is awarded to larger firms. Our competitive advantage is the personal service and the ability to be easily adaptable.
2018 Construction management Services for Orangewood Avenue Sewer ImprovementsJIG Consultants is happy to be working with Garden Grove Sanitary District (GGSD) again on their On-Call Construction Management Services for Orangewood Avenue Sewer Improvements Project. Garden Grove Sanitary District plans to upsize approximately 850 feet of existing 10-inch VCP sewer to a 15-inch VCP sewer, on Orangewood Avenue to the Western Avenue intersection. Our project team is comprised of a highly qualified inspector and Construction Manager, together with GGSD we look forward to a successful project.
2018 Design Build Services for Belhaven-Cumberland Area Main ReplacementFollowing their successful design-build partnership, JIG and Doreck Construction has teamed up once again and accepted another Golden State Water Company project. JIG's team of experienced engineers will assist Doreck Construction with preparation of construction plans to construct 1,630 lineal feet of 8-inch PVC water main in the City of Claremont. This is another fast-track design-build project with a completion schedule of 3 months.
2018 Merino Avenue Area Main ReplacementJIG welcomes another design project with Golden State Water Company (GSWC). The Merino Area Main Replacement Project is part of GSWC's ongoing program to replace undersized and antiquated mains within the Mountain Desert District. The project will include approximately 7,000 linear feet of 8-inch PVC pipeline, abandonment of the 4-inch and 6-inch cast iron pipelines, installation of new fire hydrants and isolation valves, and connection to the existing potable water system.
2018 Evaluation of Canyon Creek Pump StationTrabuco Canyon Water District (TCWD) contracted with JIG to evaluate the existing Canyon Creek Pump Station. The study will identify federal code and safety violations and develop preliminary concepts to rehabilitate the existing pumping equipment, hydropneumatic tank, pressure relief system, and building enclosure.
2018 Design Build Services for Dalton Plant Area Main ReplacementJIG partnered with Christensen Brothers General Engineering and Golden State Water Company (GSWC) to replace existing and deteriorated 4-inch and 12-inch water mains in the City of Gardena with 16-inch PVC waterline. The water main replacement will allow GSWC to increase groundwater well production at their Dalton Plant (from 1900 gpm to 3300 gpm) which in turn will reduce the purchase of water in the Southwest District.
2018 Commercial Avenue Waterline ReplacementJIG is pleased to be working with Golden State Water Company (GSWC) on a new project in the City of Calipatria. Our team of talented engineers will provide engineering design services for construction of an 8-inch PVC waterline to replace an existing 4-inch waterline.
2018 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Program - 1Long Beach Water Department is a valued partner to JIG and we are excited to be working with LBWD staff on another Construction Management Services project. The Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Program consists of:
2018 Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project at Bellflower Boulevard and Stearns StreetJIG is working with Long Beach Water Department (LBWD) for the Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project. JIG will provide Construction Management Services for this job. This project will remove an existing 30-inch gate valve with bypass valve and replace with a 30-inch butterfly valve. The project also includes removal and replacement of chlorination assemblies, installation of one blow-off assembly, and associated piping, fittings, and accessories. To isolate the existing gate valve, two temporary line stops will be installed on the existing 30-inch SCC pipe.
2018 ET-01 Zone 1601 Dryden Street Water MainThird time is a charm! JIG is very thankful to have a third construction management project with EVMWD. This project is for construction management of 746 lineal feet of 8-inch C900 PVC water with associated valves and appurtenances. The alignment is along Dryden Street, from Cimarron Road to Bailey Avenue, in the City of Lake Elsinore. Work includes traffic control, water pollution prevention/control, and pavement restoration according to the requirements of the city encroachment permit.
2018 Cornerstone Church Sewer ExtensionA second project was awarded to JIG from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) for the construction management of 1,998 lineal feet of 8-inch C900 PVC sewer and six manoles on Monte Vista Drive, from Canyon Drive heading south, in the City of Wildomar. The alignment crosses over a double RCB culvert and is located along the main access road to the Cornerstone Community Church. Work includes traffic control, water pollution prevention/control, and pavement restoration according to the requirements of the city encroachment permit.
2018 Collier Avenue & Pasadena Street Manhole Rehabilitation and ReplacementJIG is pleased to announce that we will be working with Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD). This upcoming construction management project is for the rehabilitation of 14 existing manholes and replacement of one existing 48-inch manhole with a 60-inch manhole. Rehabilitation includes replacement of cones, grade rings, frame and lid. Rehabilitation also includes water blasting of interior, debris removal, concrete rehabilitation of manhole shaft, shelf and channel, and lining the interior with epoxy primer and polyurethane compound. Work includes traffic control, sewer bypass, and water pollution prevention/control. All work will be completed during normal working hours except for manholes along Coulier Avenue and Crane Street.
2018 Caltrans Bridge Pipeline RelocationJIG is working with Monte Vista Water District (MVWD) to prepare construction plans for the relocation of the 8-inch waterline. MVWD owns an 8-inch steel pipeline supported on a bridge structure over the 60 Freeway at Pipeline Avenue. The Pipeline Avenue bridge is scheduled for reconstruction starting August 2018. The pipeline construction documents will be prepared in coordination with Caltrans for the bridge construction plans.
2018 Replacement of 6-inch Domestic Water to MWRP Air GapJIG is assisting IRWD with the preparation of the construction plans for the Replacement of 6-inch Domestic Water to MWRP Air Gap.
Irvine Ranch Water District’s (IRWD) Michelson Water Recycling Plant receives domestic water from an existing 6-inch asbestos cement pipe located along the slope adjacent to Riparian View. In 2011, a 600-foot segment of the 6-inch asbestos cement pipe was replaced with polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) up to the existing air gap facilities. IRWD would like to replace the PVC segment of the pipeline and construct a new 6-inch PVC pipe along Riparian View to the subject air gap facilities. |
2017 Talbert seawater intrusion Barrier - Distribution Pipeline UpgradesJIG is pleased to announce a new project with Orange County Water District (OCWD) for the Talbert Seawater Intrusion Barrier Distribution Pipeline Upgrades. The Talbert Barrier Distribution Pipeline is part of OCWD’s seawater barrier system which prevents seawater from flowing inland in response to freshwater aquifer pumping by coastal cities. The project is for upgrades to the existing Talbert Seawater Intrusion Barrier Distribution Pipeline to alleviate existing restrictions in the system. A hydraulic model will be developed to confirm “bottleneck” areas with high velocities and develop alternatives for alleviating these conditions.
Two potential “bottleneck” areas have been identified. The first area is an 800 foot pipe segment near the Ellis Avenue/Ward Street intersection, near the OCWD plant. The second area is a 135 foot pipe segment crossing under the Talbert Channel. |
2017 Staff-Augmentation for North Bay Pump StationLake Arrowhead Community Services District has chosen JIG to provide staff-augmentation services for the construction of the North Bay Pump Station. The position is for a full-time Resident Engineer. The Resident Engineer will be stationed on site and will support the District Engineer and Construction Manager. The work is expected to begin September 2017 and will finish in May 2018.
2017 Construction Management Services for South Long Beach Sewer ImprovementJIG completed the Construction Management Services for South Long Beach Sewer Improvement Project. The work was completed on schedule, 0.53% under budget, and with minimal disturbance to the south Long Beach communities. JIG would like to congratulate the Contractor, Sancon Technologies, for their excellent work and dedication to the project.
2017 Ardath Area Water Main ReplacementJIG partnered with Doreck Construction for Design-Build Services for Ardath Area Water Main Replacement for Golden State Water Company. The project is for replacement of existing cast iron water mains varying from 4-inch to 12-inch diameter in the City of Gardena. Total pipeline replacement is 7,850 lineal feet
The project was completed in 7 weeks!! The project goal was to complete construction by the end of September 2017. |
2017 Syphon Reservoir Subdrain SystemIrvine Ranch Water District requested for JIG to prepare construction plans and technical specifications for the construction of the groundwater subdrain system at the District's Syphon Reservoir Site. The improvements will temporarily alleviate the transfer of groundwater to the adjacent property, the Crean Lutheran Sports Park.
2017 Dove Canyon Irrigation Pump Station and Robinson Ranch Irrigation Pump Station JIG is working with Trabuco Canyon Water District for preparation of an engineering report for the replacement/rehabilitation of the Dove Canyon Irrigation Pump Station and Robinson Ranch Irrigation Pump Station. The report will include a hydraulic profile of the District's recycled water system and will recommend pumping and storage improvements.
2017 Michelson Water Reclamation Plant South Irvine Interceptor Sewer Manhole AccessJIG contracted with Irvine Ranch Water District for preparation of construction plans and a project manual for miscellaneous site improvements at the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant. These improvements will provide access to manholes located in a sloped landscaped area. The improvements will include retaining walls, concrete pad, hydraulically actuated hose reel, and miscellaneous jetting equipment for maintenance of the manholes.
2017 Grass Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant - Laboratory ImprovementsJIG is working with Lake Arrowhead Community Services District for improvements to the Grass Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant laboratories. The plant has two laboratories that are in need of upgrades such as air conditioning, furnishings, electrical and plumbing modifications. The improvements are as directed by laboratory personnel to upgrade antiquated furnishings, appliances, and HVAC equipment.
2017 Groundwater Treatment Plant Chemical Tanks Replacement Project, Phase IVJIG was selected by Long Beach Water Department for Engineering Design of the Groundwater Treatment Plant Chemical Tanks Replacement Project, Phase IV. This project includes demolition and replacement of two aluminum sulfate tanks and one fluorosilicic acid tank. The existing tanks are polyethylene and the replacement tanks will be fiberglass reinforced plastic. JIG was selected because our project team included two professional engineers that were involved with design and construction support for Phases I through III.