Third and Forest Pipeline ProjectCity of Laguna Beach | 2016
The City of Laguna Beach maintains and operates its own sewer collection system, most of which were constructed in the 1950s. Over the years, sewer improvements have upgraded the system without a master plan for construction. The resulting system is inefficient with gravity sewer flowing in different directions, but ultimately discharging into the existing Laguna SOCWA Lift Station. In the area near City Hall, the existing sewer collection system included two inverted siphons and deteriorated piping with a high potential for leakage and discharge into the Pacific Ocean. The project was for removal or abandonment of the existing sewers, including the 24-inch trunk sewer behind City Hall, and replacing with an 18-inch sewer in front of City Hall. Project construction included the following:
JIG Consultants provided full time Construction Management Services for the Third and Forest Pipeline Project. This was a very sensitive project being in the heart of downtown Laguna Beach. Traffic control and public communication was coordinated through the police department, fire department, community center, adjacent residences and businesses, and the Laguna Beach Unified School District. |