Water InfrastructuresWaterline Construction / ReplacementChino | Mountain View Park Well Transmission Main
EVWD | Plant 137 and Live Oak Road Waterline Replacement EVWD | Highway 74 Waterline Relocation Garden Grove | Jerry, Della, and Loara Lane Waterline Replacement GSWC | Design/Build Ardath Area Water Main Replacement GSWC | Design/Build Dalton Avenue Area Main Replacement GSWC | Design/Build of Belhaven / Cumberland Main Replacement GSWC | Design of Commercial Avenue Area Main Replacement GSWC | Design of St. George Drive Area Main Replacement GSWC | Design of 80th St. Area Main Replacement GSWC | Design of Merino Avenue Area Main Replacement Manhattan Beach | Area 1 Waterline Replacement Manhattan Beach | Sepulveda Boulevard and 2nd Street Waterline MVWD| Pipeline Relocation for Caltrans Bridge Reconstruction OCWD | Lakeview Pipeline - Preliminary Design and Concept Report OCWD | Talbert Seawater Intrusion Barrier Pipeline Upgrades Pomona | District 1 and 2 Waterline Replacement Pomona | District 2 Waterline Replacement Pomona | District 1 and 6 Waterline Replacement Pomona | District 4 Phase II Waterline Replacement TVMWD | Alignment Study on Pipeline to Pomona Well No. P20 TVMWD | Design of Miragrand Well Discharge Pipeline Booster StationsEVWD | Plant 40 Booster Station Improvements
EVWD | Plant 134 Booster Station Improvements Garden Grove | Rehabilitation of West Garden Grove Station MNWD | Beacon Hill Pump and Engine Replacement OCWD | Green Acres Project Backwash PS Discharge TCWD | Canyon Creek Pump Station Evaluation TCWD | Dove Canyon / Robinson Ranch Recycled Water Pump Station Well Equipping and ChlorinationGarden Grove | Redevelopment of Well No. 22
South Gate | Site and Wellhead Improvements for Well No. 28 YLWD | Rehabilitation of Wells No. 1, 5, 7,12 Treatment Plant ImprovementsIRWD | MWRP South Irvine Interceptor Sewer Manhole Access
IRWD | Waterline Extension to MWRP Air Gap Structure Lake Arrowhead CSD | Grass Valley WWTP Lab Improvements LBWD | GWTP Chemical Tanks Replacement - Phase I through Phase IV |
Wastewater InfrastructuresSewerline Replacement / RehabilitationFullerton | Street & Sewer Improvements for Richman Avenue
Garden Grove | Brookhurst St. / Parliament Ave. Sewer Replacement Garden Grove | Sewer Improvement Projects 92 and 93 Laguna Beach | Third and Forest Pipeline Project LBWD | 15th Street and Cherry Avenue Sewer Replacement Pomona | District 3, 4, and 6 Sewer Replacement Pomona | District 1 and 2 Sewer Replacement Sewer Lift StationsBurbank | Beachwood Pump Station and Forcemain Investigation
Laguna Beach | Laguna SOCWA Lift Station Rehabilitation MNWD | Regional Lift Station Pumps and Motors Replacement San Luis Obispo | Tank Farm Lift Station & Forcemain Improvements SMWD | Esencia (Planning Area 2) Lift Station TCWD | Bell Canyon Lift Station Miscellaneous ServicesConstruction Management servicesEVWD | CM for Plant 137 and Live Oak Road Waterline Replacement
EVWD | CM for Plant 40 Booster Station Improvements EVMWD | CM for Cornerstone Sewer Extension Project EVMWD | CM for Dryden St. Water Main Replacement Project EVMWD | CM for the Manhole Rehabilitation & Replacement Project Garden Grove | CM for West Haven Reservoirs Rehabilitation GGSD | CM for Orangewood Avenue Sewer Improvement Project Laguna Beach | CM for Third and Forest Pipeline Project LBWD | CM for South Long Beach Sewer Improvement Project LBWD | CM for Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project LBWD | CM for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Replacement Program - 1