Plant 137 and Live Oak Road Waterline Replacement
East Valley Water District | 2014
Engineering services included design of the extension and upsizing of the Mountain Zone water line on Live Oak Road. The improvements allow transfer of potable water services from the Little Sycamore Zone (five homes) into the Mountain Zone and new services for a future development north of Arroyo Vista Drive. Construction was completed in three phases.
Phase A: Constructed 2,024 lineal feet of 8- or 12-inch Mountain Zone pipe on Live Oak Road, Terrace Drive, Orangewood Road and Arroyo Vista Drive. Trench excavation was difficult due to large boulders that were jack-hammered, stockpiled, and disposed of. Total quantity of boulders removed was approximately 110 tons.
Phase B: Miscellaneous piping and appurtenances in Plant 137 was retrofitted. Equipment not connected to the system including piping, tanks, and valves were removed. Salvageable equipment in Plant 137 was delivered to the District's yard. Existing corroded piping and valves were replaced with an equivalent product.
Phase C: Two 12-inch pipelines were constructed to replace the existing 6- and 8-inch steel pipelines in a private driveway. Concrete pavement on the private driveway was demolished and reconstructed.
Engineering services included design of the extension and upsizing of the Mountain Zone water line on Live Oak Road. The improvements allow transfer of potable water services from the Little Sycamore Zone (five homes) into the Mountain Zone and new services for a future development north of Arroyo Vista Drive. Construction was completed in three phases.
Phase A: Constructed 2,024 lineal feet of 8- or 12-inch Mountain Zone pipe on Live Oak Road, Terrace Drive, Orangewood Road and Arroyo Vista Drive. Trench excavation was difficult due to large boulders that were jack-hammered, stockpiled, and disposed of. Total quantity of boulders removed was approximately 110 tons.
Phase B: Miscellaneous piping and appurtenances in Plant 137 was retrofitted. Equipment not connected to the system including piping, tanks, and valves were removed. Salvageable equipment in Plant 137 was delivered to the District's yard. Existing corroded piping and valves were replaced with an equivalent product.
Phase C: Two 12-inch pipelines were constructed to replace the existing 6- and 8-inch steel pipelines in a private driveway. Concrete pavement on the private driveway was demolished and reconstructed.